
人は、自分好きの事お勉強してると、誰でも天才に成る〜 (年輕有為的女裝設計達人,但人太好感覺總是被V壓著打的中日混血Yutaka小野澤豐 題)


MANIAC LOVE www.1981bar.com/ML is an outdoor-beach party in Yilang, Taiwan. My friends, from 1981 PRODUCTION & 1981 BAR, plan this amazing project. I did all the visuals, graphics & website designs. Obviously, the basic concept of ML is LOVE & PASSION.(you can think about make love) I try to do a more trendy/潮 style identity cuz they have both hiphop & electo themes. I draw capital M & L with red, yellow colors. and then made them looks like a heart shape or a kiss or a smile. the main visual style is duplicating, filling & deleting ML small icons to create the letters. you can see the different combinations below. I also did a simple party website for ML. Browsers have to roll over their mouse to delete the icons and find out secrets. (actually, there's no secret inside = =)

Finally, over 1000 ppls joined MANIAC LOVE party. I feel happy for my friends n the lovers although i can't be there. 1981 PRODUCTION will bring more parties in the future... I won't miss next time =P

*MANIAC LOVE --- identity

*MANIAC LOVE --- logo draft

*MANIAC LOVE --- flyer

*MANIAC LOVE --- poster

*MANIAC LOVE --- ticket

*MANIAC LOVE --- web splash page

*MANIAC LOVE --- flash page


丫!是人去选择一个适合自己的相机还是有一个相机会在那里等待你对它的发觉,不管是MAMIYA RZ67 PRO的复古和实用,还是ROLLEI的品质或是奢华。这些个性感的优点叫我怎么取舍- - (糾結在相機世界裡而且不斷地暈來暈去的40D走跳達人= =V....iko 題)


MGMT is an American musical duo based in Brooklyn, New York, consisting of Ben Goldwasser and Andrew VanWyngarden. It's one of my favorite bands. I bought couple of their singles from iTunes. Now, I gonna share my friends some of them. ENJOY IT!

†† MGMT - Kids
†† MGMT - Time To Pretend
†† MGMT - Electric Feel (Justice Remix)

*MGMT aka The Management


It's really funny & interesting to design a font. cuz u have to try many different arrangements to complete them even a single letter!! a good font depends on how u deal with shape, proportion, angle, line, etc..... Last year, I created a new font type which looks rounded & fat. you can see the alphabets. I also made my plastic-lasercutting-style card. =)


*BE SIGN --- alphabets

*BE SIGN --- name cards


Macbook Pro + Water + 粗心的user = DISASTER!!! (體重過重到沒辦法當兵只好繼續爆肝的重機達人CRHIS 題)


I'm very very busy recently. New projects, Old cases & some annoying shits almost drive me crazy!!

Today, I gonna share a poster which is abt a school exhibition from my friend. The short film is called "The Jumpers". The story is about passionate, hopeful guys struggle for their dancing career and dreams. So I mixed a breaking dance image and few rough materials. Finally, I made it looked like a painting canvas...

*The Jumpers - Poster

*The Jumpers - Poster adjusted

*Original Dancing Image