
從惡夢中醒來卻發現身處在另一個惡夢 (和我一樣不停地自掘墳墓爬進爬出的佑仟~~~ 題)

House Party = Macbook Pro + Coffee + Music + Works

Yohji Lin, a designer from TPE, works with me. He's a talent & creative person. We come out many good designs & ideas together. here's his Flickr page. (btw, he's only 21!!)

Suited Design is my new studio, based in Taipei & Shanghai. the identity of S.D. is combined by a golden rectangle n a 90º triangle. and it looks like a man's suit with a tie. the letters are also developed from these two shapes.(imaging that~) Me n Yohji comes out a simple die-cut name card. it looks like a suit or shirt with a flip collar. everyone has each unique image! Recently, I finished a simple showcase/portfolio of S.D. and then I'm going to build up our website soon......

*Suited Design --- Identities

*Suited Design --- Cards

*Suited Design --- Web layout


在白色麝香的癖護下想要和你一起吃一塊黑濃濃披著酥脆外衣的Brownie和一顆雪白色的香草冰淇淋 (一到週末心就飛到S.的大團子工頭微弱妮卡好 題)

À Cause Des Garçons

Last December, My best friends opened a bar called "1981 BAR" in Taipei City. it's called that just cuz they all born on 1981 (including me...) the place is nice, chill and comfortable. Plays music genres from Hip Hop, R&B, Pap, Pop to Electronic, House, Mash-Up... u can find their photos on facebook & wretch and please go and check it out. (official website is still under construction =(

I work for their whole graphics & website. the logo basically consists of triangle shapes, looks like 1981 (triangle 1-2-2-1). i use triangle concept just because they are "three" 1981-born partners...... and make it look like "trendy 潮". i also repeat the logo and come out a logo pattern. the following pics are the basic identities, logo drafts & event posters...

*1981 BAR --- logo

*1981 BAR --- identities & pattern

*1981 BAR --- logo drafts

*1981 BAR --- event posters